Category Archives: education

Lili and Marta receive prizes at the VHIO Computational Oncology Awards

On Feb 21 2024 the VHIO Computational Oncology Award 2024 was celebrated at UAB Casa de la Convalescència. The finalists to the master thesis award presented their works as a 5′ flash talk and a poster session. Two members of … Continue reading

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Filed under cancer, education, RNA-Seq, science, society, transcriptomics

Bioinformatics for all

Several volunteers from GRIB explained what bionformatics is to non-experts during the 2015 PRBB open day on Oct 18 2015. Will Blevins and José Luis Villanueva from the Evolutionary Genomics group tried to convey the concept of “orphan genes” using … Continue reading

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Filed under de novo gene evolution, education, science, society

Talking science at schools

This is the second year our group participates in the Science Week organized by the Catalan Local Goverment (Nov 14-23). The event consists in talking about our experience as researchers to a large group of students in a Secondary School. … Continue reading

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Filed under education, science, society