PEAKS - positional footprinting web server
Evolutionary Genomics Group - Research Unit on Biomedical Informatics - Barcelona Biomedical Research Park


The software and data in our pages are provided to enhance knowledge and encourage progress in the scientific community. We make no claims about the suitability or accuracy of this software or data for any purpose, and makes no warranties, either expressed or implied, including merchandability and fitness for a particular purpose or that the use of this software or data will not infringe any third party patents, copyrights, trademarks, or other rights. The software and data are provided "As Is".

Positional footprinting web server uses transcription factor binding sites matrices from PROMO (v3.0), JASPAR 2005 and TRANSFAC (v.7.0) databases. All matrices from JASPAR and TRANSFAC (v.7.0) are freely accessible. The TRANSFAC (v.7.0) database is free for users from non-profit organizations only. Users from commercial enterprises have to license the TRANSFAC databases and accompanying programs.