The files LaurieEtAl2012CodingInsertionsAbsolute.Final3488.tsv and LaurieEtAl2012CodingDeletionsAbsolute.Final6448.tsv contain information on coding indels identified from 5991 amino-acid alignments of ensemble one-to-one orthologs of human-macaque-mouse-rat-cow as described in: Sequence shortening in the rodent ancestor. Laurie et al, Genome Research, 2012. The format is EnsemblProteinID, BranchAffected, HumanOrthologousProteinID, StartPosition, Length Only events of length 10 amino acids or less were included in the analysis. Gaps that were adjacent to exon boundaries were removed. No data is provided for cow as it was used as the outgroup. The start position described is the absolute position in the particular protein as provided by amino-acid multiple alignment - note that if the gap occurs in a homopolymeric tract, the exact position of the event may not be that provided here. In the case of deletions, the start position is that of the amino acid that appears to have been deleted in the corresponding sequence. Likewise, in the case of insertions the start position is that of the first amino acid that appears to have been inserted. Note that where the branch affected was an ancestral branch i.e. rodent or primate, the position of the indel event is given separately for both daughter species in the tab-separated value files, and thus the total number of lines in each file is larger than the number of independent insertion or deletion events observed. For further detail, please refer to the original publication and Supplementary Material. The alignments generated using Prank+F are provide in compressed form. Use tar -zxvf 5991PrankOneToOneOrthologAlignments.tar.gz to extract them. Please contact if you have any queries